Welcome to Bantha Poodoo Guild!

Welcome to the private Rules and Regulations page for our guild. Below, you will find contact information for our officers, rules for participation in guild events, and more. Please take a moment to read through the page. When you are finished, let us know that you have read and agree to everything by adding a comment below (signed with your in-game name so that we know who you are).




Child of the 70’s and a Luke Skywalker fan-girl forever. When not playing SWGOH, I make art and do other creative stuff.





Family man, daily committed player who’s inSlane in the membrane and inSlane loving this game!

#vaderrules #goEagles #goFlyers #goPhillies



Colt 45


I am a former classical archaeologist, social studies teacher, network engineer, juvenile detention councilor, stay at home dad, community relations manager, and underpaid wage slave.

My hobbies include music, music production, art, short film making, RPG freelance contributor, writing, video games, reading, and working to get corporate and dark money out of politics.



Member Expectations

We are not a hardcore guild. We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of gaming. Being sick, working a million hours, family obligations—all these are more important than a mobile game. However, we do expect our members to be committed, daily players, who participate in all guild activities, which include the following:

  1. Playing every single day.
  2. Participating in all Territory Battles.
  3. Signing up for every Territory War as soon as your player level permits (currently, this event opens to players who are level 65 and above).
  4. Being a team player.
  5. Following the raid rules, which are laid out below.

Members who do not abide by these rules will be subject to warnings and/or be booted from the guild. (See the Member Violations section  below for more information.)

If for some reason, you are temporarily unable to meet your daily obligations (due to a family emergency, or pulling a 24 hour shift, for example), please notify us in the game chat or contact one of the officers via email.


Note: As our guild grows, our raid requirements change. Any official updates or tweaks to the rules will be added here.


The tank raid is open to all players who with 7 star characters.

  1. Players are required to post a score of 0 points until 12 p.m. EST the day after the raid is launched.
  2. After that all players may score—with a limit of 600K per player—to ensure that everyone has gotten on the board and is eligible for rewards.


At this time, there are no limitations on players for the AAT Raid.


Currently we are not running the HAAT regularly, but we are striving to making this our default tank raid.

Member Violations and Consequences

Below you will find a list of the member violations and subsequent consequences. Please familiarize yourself with this list.

  • Daily playing requirement not met.

We expect all players to contribute daily, with the understanding that life happens first. Any player inactive for 30 days will be removed from the guild. If you can’t be active for a week or more, let an officer know.

Additionally, members who consistently fail to play five days or more a week, or who consistently fail to contribute, will be given warnings, and then be removed.

  • Failure to participate in the Territory Battles.

Players who are not active in two Territory Battles in a row will be removed from the guild.

Additionally, excessive non-participation will result in warnings, and then removal.

  • Failure to sign up for the Territory War.

Players who miss signing up for two Territory Wars in a row will be automatically removed from the guild.

Additionally, excessive non-participation will result in warnings, and then removal.

  • Ignoring Raid rules.

Players who habitually fail to follow or ignore the raid rules will result in warnings, and then removal.

  • Inappropriate behavior.

Inappropriate behavior, bullying, or other disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, and will result in warnings or removal from the guild.


Please add your name to the form below to let the officers know that you have seen and agree to the rules.

Guild Signatures


Below you will find a list of guides, websites, and other resources that we have gathered to help you enjoy the game. If you would like us to add anything to this list, let us know, and we will be happy to do so.

Official SWGOH Links

SWGOH Forums

Raid Guides/Advice

HAAT guide by thealliancegaming